Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Are You Living From the Center?

Another great day at the Y with the Springs and we have a little more to discuss this week concerning the message.  First of all it wasn't recorded, but the good news is that I was able to go into the "studio" and record the message again.  It may even be a little better than Sunday, so you may want to listen to it a little.  Click here and you can listen to the "studio mix" of Loving God :: The Whole Person.

What was one thing in the message that struck a chord with you?  Maybe because you agreed, or maybe because you disagreed.  It's okay, we just want to get discussion rolling on this one.  Living life from the Center is vital to our being Christ-followers rather than church-attenders.  Breaking away from the complexity of a chaotic life to a simpler way of living, just might be what saves your sanity, your marriage and even your children.

Jesus was clear on the commandment that should be central to each of our lives:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind."  (Matthew 22:37)  For the Pharisees, Jesus is being clear - to love God with everything you are, with all of you, is central to being a God-person.  Do not stop at simply going to church, doing bible studies, praying once-in-a-while or getting into a group.  How do you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?  How do you live out of the Center?  What does it mean for you to focus on God and his priorities for your life?  Are you single-minded?

For many people I talked to last week, these are not simple questions to answer.  Any insight that you might have could be very helpful for another person reading this posting, so don't be afraid to comment.  

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