Monday, January 7, 2008

Simple Faith :: God Image

As will be the case most weeks, the first entry to the site after the service will be more of a reflective post. We want your thoughts as well as we digest what we experienced together on the previous weekend.
Brett and Emily Mills were guests of the Springs yesterday and carved a great pathway to God for us as they lead our worship. One song that particularly stood out to me this weekend was the song "Intimacy." The lyrics have been with me for a few days and I catch myself mumbling them over and over...

I want to know you Jesus, intimately
You are my refuge, Abba
Apart from You I have nothing good

As we are looking at the simplicity of following Jesus, this is a great reminder that our created desire to know Father. In everything we do, our foremost desire is to love Him. A friend of mine has written about "intimate relationships" and called them "naked and unashamed" relationships where you are fully known and fully know. I don't know about you, but I don't have but a very small number of these kinds of relationships. With Father, I can never hide - Psalm 39, and yet He still loves me without end. Wow, what a concept!

Cameron did a great job of setting us up for the rest of this series of messages. Taking his cue from a 2006 Baylor University Study, he described four views of God that dominate among believers - Authoritarian God, who is very judgmental and engaged; Benevolent God, who is not judgmental but engaged; Distant God, who is completely removed; and Critical God, who is judgmental but not engaged.

How you view God is a heavier determinant to the way you live your life than the religion to which you ascribe. Where do you find yourself landing? Our creed for the week has been "I believe God is involved in and cares about my daily life." If we were to believe this statement functionally, how would our lives look different? Would we pray more? Would we worry less? If you've learned this to be true in your life, how did that learning come? How is your life different today because you know God is a personal God?

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