Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Worship Music for Sunday 2/6/08

I'm going to try to post the worship songs for our services during the week, so you can learn new songs you don't know, use them in your devotional time, listen to them on your iPod, whatever works for you. Especially right now, we don't have a common language for worship--we're learning new songs at each service, and I'm sure some will stick and some won't. We want Sundays to be about worship and celebration, not necessarily learning new songs, so this is one way to get over the learning part. Here are our songs for this Sunday:

"All We Need" and "Your Love Endures" will be sung with the kids, so let your kids in on these also.

If you're looking for good worship music and you don't know what to get, this is also a way to get a lead on some good cds. I recommend Flying Into Daybreak and United We Stand as the best worship cds from this week's list. Copyright laws prevent us from providing mp3s, but you can find these songs and cds on all the online services like iTunes (which Brad uses, of course), Napster (which I use), Rhapsody, MSN music, etc., and at most book and music stores and Christian bookstores. This week, you can download Ben's original song for free, so click on the link above and get a freebie!

Take a walk, mow the lawn or ride the stationary bike at the YMCA with these on your playlist. Your day--and our worship gathering on Sunday--will be better for it.

In tomorrow's post I'll take a closer look at one of the songs from this week's worship.

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