Thursday, March 13, 2008

John Chapter 11

John 11. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. It's a spectacular episode in Jesus' ministry, and also a beautiful one.

John refers to himself in his gospel as "the one Jesus loved," which is a pretty cool way to describe himself. And in chapter 11, he describes Jesus' relationship with Lazarus and his sisters in similar terms. Three times in this chapter he tells us that Jesus loved this family, and the whole story makes it clear that he had a special relationship with them. Lazarus' death, and his sisters' grief, affects Jesus more personally than in other encounters with people he healed and served. Mary, Martha and Lazarus were followers, but they were also friends. Jesus clearly enjoyed just spending time with them.

Jesus loves everyone, but that doesn't mean that everyone enjoys the same kind of relationship with him. Some people are content to watch and listen. Some prefer a formal relationship with Jesus. Some stand in awe, somewhat at a distance. And some are friends. Friends share meals and leisure time with him, not just formal encounters. Friends experience the love of Jesus in a way strangers and acquaintances never could. When I read about Jesus and these three friends, I find myself envious of them.

How do you prefer to relate to Jesus? Do you keep a comfortable distance or a level of formality in the relationship? Or are you willing to be called a friend, to truly know and be known by him? How close are you willing to get?

Stay tuned: in the next chapter, Mary will take this relationship to a whole new level.

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