Monday, March 17, 2008

John Chapter 15

John 15. "Remain in me." Those words are the reason for the High Definition Jesus series and the 21-day challenge. Even in the church, it takes intentionality to remain in him. There are so many good things that demand our attention, but none of them brings us life like Jesus does. If our #1 focus is anything other than Jesus himself, we will "whither." But if we remain in him, we will bear much fruit.

"Love each other as I have loved you." Jesus calls us into love, and he leads the way. If I ever have to wonder why I should love my neighbor, I only have to recall these words. Remember that Jesus is about to be crucified, and he wants to make sure his disciples understand why. It will be his greatest expression of love toward them...and toward us.

"I no longer call you servants....Instead, I call you friends." Just before this time with the disciples in the Upper Room, John gave us a beautiful picture of his friendship with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Now, we see Jesus in another intimate setting (another table), and we hear him call the disciples friends. John was not just a follower of Jesus; he was a friend, and he treasured that relationship above all others. This is why Jesus came, not merely to recruit servants but to develop friendships. This is how we "remain," this is how we "love."

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