Sunday, March 23, 2008

John Chapter 21

John 21. Happy Resurrection Day! Today we celebrate Christ alive, risen, and sovereign--a great day to read the last chapter in John's gospel.

Not surprisingly, Jesus chooses his favorite act of community, sharing a meal, in the third of his post-resurrection appearances to the disciples. The miraculous catch of fish not only identifies Jesus to the men, but also speaks to them of the exceptional "fishers of men" they will soon become. Their transformation from fearful followers to bold leaders of the early church has already begun.

Jesus restoration of Peter is more than just an offering of forgiveness, it is also a restoration of Peter's position of leadership. Jesus asks for Peter's pledge of love 3 times, which mirrors the 3 times Peter denied Jesus prior to the crucifixion. The number 3 represented completeness in the culture: Peter denied Jesus completely, but was restored completely.

John can't help but end his gospel with mention of his own relationship with Jesus. "This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true." v. 24. John's firsthand account of Jesus' life and ministry, death and resurrection has introduced millions to the Jesus he knew and loved, and forever changed the lives of people for two millenia. I'm glad that yours and mine can be counted among them.

Congratulations on finishing the 21-day challenge! I know it will reap rewards in your life today and for years to come. You may have experienced, perhaps for the first time, the benefits of daily Bible reading. If so, keep it up! Weekly downloadable Intake study guides will be available on this site.

"...Those who drink the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14

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