Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What about your experiences?

Have you ever been offended by a "ministry" asking you for money?

What about that bothered you the most?

Have you ever had a positive experience in a church where they taught about money?

What made that a positive experience?


  1. The most negative experience I've had in church fundraising involved a consulting firm. My church hired an outside firm to help raise funds. The firm charged a hefty fee, so we ended up giving to the church and to the firm. I know this isn't unusual in fundraising even for non-profits, but I can't get comfortable with it.

    My most positive experience was when the church raised money specifically for people in need. I know the church has to have its own funds to operate, but I thought it was especially Christian to raise money and not keep it.

  2. I wouldn't say I was offended by my church asking for money, but I was put off when a church we attended published the budget and receipts on the front page of the bulletin every week. Another church posted the same information, but on an inside page, and it didn't bother me at all. The most positive experience was the Financial Peace University that we attended through a church. Amazing information, and life changing.
