Monday, September 8, 2008

Time 2 Talk

Well, here we are.  We are back in the routine of a new school year, a new football season and a new season at the Springs.  With the new beginnings come a new resource from the INTAKE blog.  The resource is called "Time 2 Talk" and it's designed to help parents take back the discipleship process of their families.  For too long, church-goers have relied on the church to disciple their families and we won't stand for that any longer.  When Christ came and died and rose again, he made a way for us to come to Him.  We don't need the clergy to get us to God any longer.  We don't need the priests to make sacrifices on our behalf.  For our families, we need to take responsibility for ourselves and our families.

Download Time 2 Talk here.
Download the "Made for Eternity" message from 8/7/08 from Cameron Simmons, Lead Pastor.

Time 2 Talk is a resource that will help you do just that.  The resource consists of 5 sections.  First, a devotional section for you personally.  Second section has discussion starters for a conversation between adults - spouses or maybe older children.  The third section is the family centerpiece designed for you to sit down at the dinner table one time in the next two weeks and discuss with your children.  Section four is an experience for your family to participate in together.  The final section is a full listing of our 30 core competencies.  You can complete each section at different times during the two weeks after our gathering.  We have given you ideas, but you know your family better than anyone, so take this tool and use it to enhance your family's gatherings.  Just start talking!

Time 2 Talk takes the message from our Sunday gathering and delivers it straight to your family.  The kids will no longer bring them to you, but you will take them home from the gatherings to your kids.  We have done this to help you as parents.  Every Monday morning, we will post the current Time 2 Talk here and you can print it out here.  You can also subscribe to this blog's RSS feed to retrieve every post made on this site.

If you would like the t2t delivered by email to you every week, please email Brad Gartman and ask to be added to the t2t email list.

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