Thursday, April 30, 2009

Core Belief :: STEWARDSHIP

We believe that everything we are or own belongs to God.

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." - 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (TNIV)

When I first began wrestling with this competency, I struggled because my "theology of stewardship" is more inclusive than just what we do with our money. The creed is great, but the attached verse seemed to resemble the money-hungry preachers I've watched on TV. Then I looked a little more closely.

First, I must realize that in Timothy's context, I would be considered wealthy, even though I am not so much here in America. In fact, if you are reading these words, you, too, would be considered among the wealthy. Now, if I am not going to be arrogant in my "riches" or place my hope in those "riches," then I must have a bedrock belief in something else. That something else comes in the middle of the verses. It plays out like this...
  1. God richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment
  2. There is a life that is truly life hidden behind a life of service and generosity.
It's easy to forget that God provides our enjoyment. Everything for our enjoyment is provided by God. This joy is not surface-level happiness, but lasting joy. The things that I need in my life to bring a lasting joy are things that can only be provided by God - relationships, contentment, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, hope, etc. I believe that the adversary of God tempts us with quick-fix happiness, so we don't get to taste the true enjoyment of life. It's sort of like filling up on the chips and salsa, then not really enjoying the main course. Haven't we all been there? My bedrock belief is that only God richly provides the things that bring me lasting enjoyment.

Another bedrock belief is that there is more going on in this life than what I can see. I believe that there is a "life that is truly life" out there. The access points to this life are not in accumulation of wealth and stuff, but in the giving it away and serving others. Oh man, I hate this part. I like the stuff and I want the wealth! But deep down, I know that there is more. Can't I have both, though? Maybe, but it's harder - maybe easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. My "riches" often cloud my perspective. They either consume me once I have what I want, or they consume me in my pursuit of more. Only when I back up and see my riches the way God sees them am I able to rest in His plans for me.

Our belief that everything we are or own belongs to God gives us freedom from worry, from want and from waste. Whenever we begin to worry, want or waste, we have lost focus. Are you seeing clearly? How are you wrestling with this core belief of the Christian faith?


  1. This is a funny one for me because I'm about as frugal as they come. I don't want a lot of stuff. I am so thankful for teh things that God gave me. I have no problem with putting in effort to make something rather than buy it. I used to think that meet that I had this virtue covered, but not really.
    But I'm a money horder. I don't give it freely - my time yes, but my money no. Sometimes we even lament over how much more we could do if we didn't tithe, but we have seen how amazingly that single act has changed our lives. I find that it is a slippery slope the desire to have more, and the only way to keep from fall down the hill is to give more and see God' plan.

  2. Frugal? You? Naaaaa. Great comment Kathleen. When you "lament" over your tithe, what is it that keeps you doing it? What is your bedrock belief that moves you to act by giving away your money?
