Monday, May 25, 2009

Core Virtue :: LOVE

I sacrificially and unconditionally love and forgive others.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."
1 John 4:10-12 (TNIV)

Today we move from virtues related primarily to our relationship with God into virtues that directly effect our relationships with others. We are starting with a bang and setting the bar high. Love. Sacrificially. Unconditionally. Oh come on! Is this really possible. Can I really love others sacrificially and without conditions? I am not even sure this is really possible.

If we simply try to conjure up this kind of love on our own, then it is not possible. However, if we submit ourselves to the love of God and learn to walk in His Spirit, then it's not only possible, but it's a natural fruit. When we realized that God has loved us without condition, we are free to love others without condition. When we understand the depth of his sacrifice for us, we can then sacrifice for others.

Loving others is not about liking others. It's much deeper than that. Anyone can like someone who is just like them and treats them well. The test comes when someone hurts you...can you still love them? The test comes when that person is annoying...can you still love them? The test comes when they live differently than you...can you still love them?

A church that embraces walking in the Spirit and begins to display the fruit of love is a church that will make a difference in their community. A family that embraces walking in the Spirit and begins to display the fruit of love will make a difference in their neighborhood. A person who embraces walking in the Spirit and begins to display the fruit of love will make a difference in their family. I want to be this person. I want to lead this kind of family. I want to be part of this kind of church. What about you?

Parenting this Virtue

KidsKreed :: I am loving and forgiving others no matter what.

Kids take everything personally. They often struggle with other kids that aren't nice to them, don't play with them or don't include them in their games. It's important that they understand that God loves those children no matter what, and that we, too, should do the same. It may hurt and it may be difficult, but God will help us if we are willing to let him.

Our kids will be watching us. No matter how much we talk about loving others no matter what, they are listening more to our actions than our words. When we know that we have not acted in a loving manner toward others, we must confess this to our children, so they will understand that we are also on this journey toward love.

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