Monday, May 18, 2009

Core Virtue::JOY

I have inner contentment and purpose in spite of my circumstances.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
-Jesus to his disciples in John 15:11

True joy does not exist outside of Christ. Joy is based on the fact that there is a bigger picture than my current circumstances. There is a God who loves me and is involved in my life. There is a purpose to my life larger than any crisis. There is an eternity, not just a lifetime.

Joy without Christ is lunacy and naivitee, like having a tea party on the deck of the Titanic. We can't expect a person who does not follow Christ to have joy (and when we do, we do him a disservice). Without Christ he or she can be:
  1. happy about his good circumstances;
  2. willfully ignorant of his bad cirumstances;
  3. falsely confident in his own abilities to change his circumstances;

but he can't have true joy. The Spirit of God must produce it in us, as we become increasingly certain of His love, Providence, and our security in Him.

This virtue is related to the following core beliefs: Personal God, Eternity
This virtue is related to the following core practices: Single-Mindedness, Prayer, Bible Study, Worship

This virtue may seem very similar to Peace, which is tomorrow's core virtue, but we'll see there is a significant difference.

Parenting this virtue:
Children watch their parents respond to crises, and the impression stays with them for a long time. As God produces this virtue in you, your children will notice. In times of crisis, communicate with them. Remember, too, that Joy is not naive. You can be honest about your concerns, but let them know where your confidence lies, and where their confidence can also be.

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