Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zero Gravity :: Get Out of the Boat

Well, it's been a great summer, but now we have launched into our Fall teaching series at our Sunday gatherings. Today, Cameron led off the series by teaching the story of Jesus coaching Peter to walk on the water. We often take a look at this story and think that it was about the faith of Peter to get out of the boat, but I contend that the story is less about Peter and more about Jesus. I can have faith to get out of the boat, but if Jesus isn't on the other end, I am going to sink immediately. If this story was about Peter, I think we would all be walking on water as normal living today.

Jesus is the one who is the center of this story. Jesus is the reason that Peter could get out of the boat, filled with fear and doubt and walk on the top of the water. Jesus was the calming voice on the sea. For you and for me, the same is true today. No matter what our circumstances, Jesus is the reason we can get out of the boat...Jesus is the reason we can say no to the gravitational pull of our disappointments, failures, hurts, etc.

What boat are you in today? What is the gravity that is pulling you down.

For us, as Christ-followers, staying down is not an option!

Core Practice :: Single-Mindedness

I focus on God and His priorities for my life.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

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