Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Core Virtue :: PEACE

I am free from anxiety because things are right between God, myself and others.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Well, it's late and this typist is a little tired. As I went to turn off the computer, I saw that Cameron had not posted today. I must have missed my turn. I thought about waiting until morning, but as I read through the creed for today, something hit me. I just finished watching the season finale of 24. In case you don't watch this show, it is about a special counter-terrorist agent named Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer defends his country at any cost. In many ways, I want to be Jack Bauer. He is what we call in west Texas, a "bad-ass." But Jack also has a dark side. He has secrets and wounds that haunt his soul. This forces him to walk a very blurry line between right and wrong.

Many of us carry secrets and wounds too. These areas of our lives cause inner chaos within us. They make an otherwise clear line between right and wrong, blurry. When things are not right between myself and God, my chaos produces anxiety in me. I worry more. I manipulate others more. I dwell on the negative more. When things are not right between myself and others, I become bitter. I critique more. I slander more. I lie more. The lines become more blurry between right and wrong.

This anxiety also can be the root issue of health problems for many people - high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, eating disorders, etc. Nothing seems to work right when we lack peace. One of the fastest growing sections in our bookstores is the self-help section, and I think most people scanning those shelves are looking for peace. Unfortunately for them, they will not find an all-satisfying peace there. The peace that we need is only found in God - the peace that passes all understanding. That peace will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ. That peace will keep the lines of right and wrong clear...even if they exist in grayscale. This peace satisfies at our deepest core.

How do I get this kind of peace? It starts with a commitment to walking in the Spirit of Life. As we are following Christ and walking in His Spirit, this peace will be the fruit of that journey. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Other competencies related to Peace :: Personal God, Single-Mindedness

Parenting This Virtue ::

KidsKreed :: I am worry-free because God is in control.

Kids have a natural tendency to worry. Sunday, I asked our kids what they worry about. I got answers like, "I worry that an asteroid is going to hit the earth." I also got answers like, "I worry that my brother's not coming home from Iraq." Kids are sensitive and they need to be assured that when we seem like everything is out of control, we don't have to worry because God is in control. If this is an area that your child particularly struggles with, spend some time this week helping them memorize the two verses for the week - Philippians 4:6-7. Let them know that God has given them those words to help them be worry-free. You'll find your soul refreshed as well.

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