Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Acts 26 :: Paul and Jack Bauer

Acts 26 in The Message and TNIV translations

WARNING:: If you are a 24 fan, but have not watched the series finale, the post below could reveal information that could spoil your TIVO experience, so proceed with caution.

Last night was the night I've been anticipating for about 20 weeks.  That's right, the series finale of 24.  While some people may dismiss this show as violent non-sense, I choose to not.  In the past three years, I have covered all 8 days and I am sad to see the show end, but glad to see the writing come to a stop.  If you've never gotten into it but want to, go back to when David Palmer was the president.  Anyway, I digress.

My post today is not an endorsement of the show, but more like a confession of a vice.  When I started watching the series finale last night, I was not planning to compare Jack Bauer to our apostle Paul, but after it was over, I could not help it.  In 8 seasons, Jack has fought for those who cannot fight themselves.  He has worked to restore justice in his country...no matter who goes down in reputation or blood.  In tonight's episode, Jack records himself saying good-bye to his daughter and weakly trying to explain the things he did today.  It was his defense of himself.

In our chapter today, Paul is laying out his defense for his actions, both past and present.  He is more eloquent and more powerful than any speech from Jack Bauer.  His final defense is his most detailed account of his conversion experience.  He lays out who he was and why he did the things he did to Christians prior to meeting Christ.  He explains how he met Christ on the road to Damascus.  He then explains that he was given a calling to introduce others to an incredible life of love and grace found in the redemptive work of Jesus.  It is this calling that fuels his mission.  His calling gives meaning to everything he says and does.

As I read this I thought about everyone has a story of their life before Christ.  Some people have a story of how they met Christ.  Few people can layout their calling from Christ.  Even fewer people take their calling seriously enough for it to mandate everything else they do with their lives.  We cannot and we must not settle for just meeting Christ.  We must know our calling.  We must let our calling drive our mission.  Paul understood this.  He was called to take the message of life to those without life.  This calling pushed him to the people who were not considered worthy of a relationship with God - non-Jews.  He stopped at nothing to ensure their hearing of this Good News.  He may not have used satellite surveillance and heavy artillery, but his weapons were no less powerful, in fact probably more.  The power of the Holy Spirit propelled him to courage, clarity and commitment to that which he had been called - to get the Message to us!

I'll never know if Paul could tote a gun as well as Jack Bauer.  I may never know what Paul could have done with Chloe behind the scenes helping him.  What I do know is that Paul's story is real.  There were real lives lost, real lives saved and thanks to his die-hard commitment to the Message, I have a relationship with God through his Son Jesus today.


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