Thursday, September 16, 2010

Romans 2:17-24 :: Light in the Shadows

Romans 2:17-24 (The Message and TNIV)

For days, we have read Paul's scathing words to the Jews.  He chastises them for their haughty, spiritually arrogant behavior.  They know the right things, but they do not do them.  Their heads are filled and their hearts are empty.  Continuing to draw comparisons between the Jews of the first-century Rome and 21st Century American Christians may work, but it's exhausting.  Today, I want to flip the coin.  There is something cooler on the other side of the pillow.

Put yourself in the sandals of a first-century, non-Jewish Roman.  You have heard about Jesus and you have a certain affinity for the man/God.  You trust him, you believe in him and you want to follow his ways.  However, you also see the religious Jews.  They follow a different set of rules and are bent on getting everyone else to follow those rules.  They know the teachings of the Torah, their sacred book, but they treat people like crap.  They have this "holier-than-thou" attitude that says "no" to everything and "yes" to very little.  They dress a certain way, talk a certain way and act a certain way that just bothers you and most of your friends.  If it weren't for the Jews, you'd probably follow Jesus.

Now, here comes one of their own who is different.  This Paul is coming down on them, instead of you.  He's telling them that they are no different than anyone else.  He's proclaiming that what Jesus did on the cross creates a level playing field for all people.  He's telling you that you don't have to be a Jew to follow Jesus.  No one has ever told you that.  In fact, you've only been told the opposite.  Now, you are granted access to God through Jesus, just like anyone...just like any Jew.

Wow!  In the midst of the shadows of criticism and rebuke we see light, and we are the beneficiaries of this light.  I am incredibly grateful this morning for Paul's commitment to the non-Jewish community.  Thankful that he did whatever it took for us to understand that Jesus is free to everyone!

Can you see that good news?  Have you experienced that good news?  What's your story here?

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