Monday, October 4, 2010

Romans 4:1-3 ::

Romans 4:1-3 (The Message and TNIV)                    Reading Plan

I think it's a fairly common belief that the New Testament teaches us about grace and the Old Testament is all about obedience - rule following.  The truth is that both the Old and the New Testament point toward faith as the only means to reconciliation with God.  In the Old Testament, Abel brought a sacrifice to God, Noah built a ship, Abraham left a land to go where God said go, Sarah had a baby, Abraham offered the baby as a sacrifice, Isaac blessed his sons, Joseph prophesied and Moses led the Israelites out of slavery.  The list can get pretty long, can't it.  Wasn't it their obedience that made them right with God?

The bible teaches us that it was actually their faith that made them right with God and led them to obedience.  Hebrews 11 prefaces each of these acts of obedience with "By and act of faith" (MSG) and "By faith" (TNIV).  Faith precedes any act of obedience that credits anyone before Jesus' sacrifice, and faith in Jesus makes us right with God after.  The question will always be, "What is FAITH?"

If FAITH is what makes us right with God, then what is it and how do you get it?

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