Thursday, October 7, 2010

Romans 4:9 :: Rangers v. Yankees

Romans 4:9 (The Message and TNIV)          Reading Plan

My most modern translation of today's verse...

"Do you think for a minute that baseball blessing is only pronounced over those Yankee fans who keep their baseball ways and are pinstriped? Or do you think it possible that the baseball blessing could be given to those who never even won a playoff series, who were never brought up in the shadow of the Bambino? We all agree, don't we, that it was by embracing what God did for Josh Hamilton that the Rangers were declared fit before the baseball gods?"

Okay, not meant to offend anyone, but I'm in the middle of a 6-0 Rangers game against the Rays and am getting ready to head to Arlington tomorrow to be sitting in the 24th row behind home plate on Saturday.  I am a baseball fan.  I am a Rangers fan.  When the Rangers are in the play-offs, I feel like a kid watching the games again.  So, it seeps into my thinking on a day like today.

On a serious note, here are my thoughts from the reading plan today:

Paul bounces back from David to Abraham here.  He is setting up a point with these first two questions, which is amplified with the third question in our translation.  When Abraham embraced what God did for him, he was declared fit before God, right?  Right.  Abraham was not an Israelite at the time, and for all intents and purposes he was a Gentile - not circumcised.  Paul is using the father of their faith to seal his argument for God’s open blessing.

How does this play out for us today?  If God’s blessing is really for everyone, is anyone out of reach?  You may want to quickly say, “No,” but is that really how we feel?  Do our actions echo our belief?  It’s one thing to say that God’s blessing is open to everyone, but it’s another thing all together to live like it is.

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