Friday, December 10, 2010

How Is Your Christmas Season?

I hope that you are taking some time this season to stop and breathe in the freshness of Jesus.  I know that sounds like a very "churchy" phrase, but think about it.  When you walk into a Starbucks and smell the coffee, don't you just pause and inhale really big?  My wife has a wax figure just like one she grew up with as a child.  The figure is of three carolers and it has a smell that is unique to Christmas for her.  Each season when we open that box, she holds it to her nose and inhales like it's some sort of drug.  When she inhales, she doesn't just smell a wax figure, but she smells years of Christmases with her family.  She smells the season.

As we move through the season, what helps you stop and smell the fragrance of Christ?  Is it bible reading?  Is it the advent wreath?  Maybe a particular song?  What is that one thing that you know will help you stop and say, "Now I remember what's important."

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