Monday, January 10, 2011

Romans 10:1-3 :: Misguided Zeal

Romans 10:1-3 (The Message and TNIV)

Misguided zeal.  This weekend a young 22-year old named Jared Loughner, who has been linked to the American Resistance opened fire on several federal officials and killed a federal judge, a congressional aide and a nine-year-old girl, along with three others.  Senator Gabrielle Giffords is in ICU in a Tucson hospital recovering from a shot to her head.  What makes someone do something that appears to be so heinous in our eyes.  Misguided zeal.

Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket the funerals of the victims of the Arizona shootings.  What causes a group that calls themselves christians to behave with such insensitivity and apparent lack of Christ-likeness?  Misguided zeal.

I like that we read these verses this morning, in light of the weekend's events, because it allows us to sit within the real-life effects that misguided zeal can have for our society.  Paul addresses the misguided zeal of his people, the Israelites in our verses today.  He explains that their zeal is commendable, but it's misdirected. They are convinced in their zeal for God, that they can work their way into a right-standing with God through their adherence to the law.  Paul wants them to see the truth of the gift that they are being offered through what Jesus has done for them on the cross.  His sacrifice is sufficient without their works to set them right with God, but they cannot see it.

What in your life carries your zeal?  What gets you fired up?  What is it for you that causes you to be misguided from time to time?  Is it your job?  Is it your kids?  Is it your faith?  The scary thing about zeal is that it's a two-edged sword and if not guided correctly can be fatal in relationships and in society.  Take a moment to read Numbers 25, just to get a perspective on the power of zeal when guided correctly...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Numbers 25 is a powerful story. My heart just breaks for all that are affected in Arizona. The little girl that died was born on 9/11/2001.
