Friday, January 21, 2011

Romans 11:33-36 ::

Romans 11:33-36 (The Message and TNIV)

Recently, my age has become more real to me than it has up to this point.  Besides the obvious body failures that remind me of my age, and the social settings where people I admire and respect weren't even in school yet when I graduated from high school, there are positives to becoming more "mature."  Even though they may not be the easiest to find, one stands out to me in light of today's reading.

When I was in my twenties, I thought I had everything figured out.  I was willing to fight for what I thought was the only way to do ministry, worship, evangelism, etc.  It wasn't just that I was confident in my opinions, but I also thought I was privy to God's ultimate goals for everyone.  I tried not to be arrogant about this.  I would say things like, "I can agree to disagree on this point."  In back of my mind though (not back even, really the forefront), I was thinking "You are free to be wrong."  Now I understand and even embrace the truth of what one of my seminary professors used to tell us often.  When asked what he believed about a certain subject regarding his faith, he would always conclude his opinion with "Now my feet aren't in cement though."  I love that.

I cannot explain God.  I am not smart enough to tell him what to do.  I have never done him such a huge favor that he is compelled to ask me for advice.  Knowing this allows me to listen and learn from others better today than I did when I was younger.  Just when I think I have figured God out, he does something that shakes me up and reminds me who I really am and what I really know - or don't know.

Today, I love listening to the beliefs and opinions of others - especially when they are different than mine.  I may not be good at it all the time, but I'm changing because God is refining me to be more reliant on him than on me.  I never want to be a person or a pastor with all the answers.  You may say, "Duh.  No one does," but I see pastors everywhere who act like they do.  I want to always listen and learn from others - you included.  My knowing is simply varying degrees of a lack of knowledge.  When I start at that point, I can learn from anyone.

Everything comes from him.  Everything happens through him and everything ends up in him!

Do these verses give you comfort or make you nervous?  Do they help you want to move closer to God or do they push God away?  How do you feel about the bigness of God?

1 comment:

  1. These verses are amazingly comforting to me. It's the reminder for me that God is bigger than anything I am dealing with. He is bigger than my circumstances and already knows the outcome. I know He is in control and not me. These verses make me want to move closer to Him and depend on Him more. That's a relief because I sure don't have it all figured out!
