Thursday, March 31, 2011

Luke 9 :: Who is this man?

Luke 9

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” -Jesus in verse 20

This is not only the central question of chapter 9; it is the central question of Luke's gospel. I can imagine what it was like for the disciples on that day when Jesus started asking who people thought he was. I suspect there was passion and urgency in his voice. Are people figuring it out? Do they understand I am their only hope? Who is writing me off, demonizing me, or trying to use me? Who thinks I am less than I really am? And what about you guys? Surely you, who are with me all the time, know that I am the Messiah, the Son of God. Well, at least Peter knows.

Jesus said many profound things, and did many profound things. But his primary mission was not to teach us how to live better, or even to heal the sick. His mission was to reveal himself as the Son of God, and to rescue mankind from eternal separation from God. It is not coincidence that Jesus foretells his crucifixion and resurrection immediately after Peter's response. Guys, here is what this is all about. We're not just traveling around doing miracles. This journey leads to a cross in Jerusalem, and then to an empty tomb.

I pray that we always keep asking the question, "Who do you say that Jesus is?", and keep helping people discover the answer that brings life and hope. How we, our friends and neighbors answer that question makes all the difference in the world.

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