Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Luke 12 :: Top Down Living

Luke 12

My wife drives a Jeep. It's our family's third Jeep, and over the years we've learned a few things about Jeep life. One of the most important is this: driving with the top down is awesome, but you better get a weather forecast. My first Jeep got soaked so many times that I ripped out all the stinky, mildewed carpet and waterproofed the interior, complete with drain holes. You would think I have learned my lesson, but as I write this, dark clouds are gathering outside, and my wife's Jeep windows aren't even attached to her Jeep.

In every teaching in this chapter, Jesus includes a reference to the future. Don't have a secret agenda, because a time is coming when secrets will be made public. Don't be obsessed with your physical existence, either its worries or its comforts, because none of that will matter most in the end. Acknowledge me in your conversations, your relationships and your public life. In verses 2, 5, 8, 20, and 31, and the whole middle section on watchfulness, Jesus keeps telling us to live today with the end in mind. A day is coming when the whole world will know that God is Sovereign and Jesus is King, and you will either be prepared for that day or you will be caught with the top down, so to speak.

Jesus has given us a gift his first listeners did not have. We know how the story ends. We don't know when, but we do know how. Do our lives reflect it? Do our bank accounts, our time investments, our thoughts, and our relationships reflect the Kingdom of God or earthly priorities? If Jesus called an end to this era today, would we be prepared, or would we be caught with the top down?

"Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. Don't be afraid of missing out. You're my dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very kingdom itself." -Jesus in verses 30-31

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