Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Ministry of Noticing

One of the best ways that we can reach out to those around us is by noticing them. Steve Sjogren, in Outflow, calls this the ministry of noticing when we listen to people around us with our eyes. He writes,

"Part of letting God's love flow from you to your community is becoming a people-watcher and mood-noticer. As you pass people on the street or see them sitting near you in a restaurant, take notice of the smiles or frowns on their faces. Pay attention to the feelings they are communicating through posture, body language and facial expressions. Such seemingly minor nuances speak volumes about what's going on in people's hearts. No, you're not being a busybody; you're practicing the ministry of noticing. Paying attention to strangers helps you begin looking outside of yourself and start genuinely caring about people. And as you begin to notice people, soon you may find yourself talking to God about those people - praying that they might have a better day, or asking God to give them peace in the midst of what seems like a hectic schedule. And sometimes you'll even be moved to risk personally by reaching out."

How does that strike you? Possible? Probable?

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