Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Core Belief :: HUMANITY

We believe all people are loved by God and need Jesus Christ as their Savior.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 (TNIV)

All People. Rich and Poor. Healthy and Sick. Hurting and Healed. African and American. Latino and Asian. Popular and Unpopular. Pleasant and Annoying. Christian and Buddhist. Optimist and Pessimist. Heterosexual and Homosexual. Sober and Drunk. Blue Collar and White Collar. Republican and Democrat. Man and Woman. Adult and Child. All People.

Loved by God. Not just liked, but loved. Loved with the agape love of God. Loved where we see their needs as important as we see our own. Loved where we sacrifice on their behalf. Loved by us. Loved by God.

Need Jesus Christ as their Savior. Don't need platitudes. Don't need trite sayings. Don't need Christian jewelry. Don't need a bashing. Don't need judgement. Don't need hypocrisy. Don't need condemnation. Don't need guilt. Don't need church. Don't need a tongue-lashing. Need Jesus. Need a personal God. Need love. Need the Church. Need someone to point the way. Need a remedy. Need Jesus Christ as their Savior.


  1. If I'm not careful, people become obstacles in my way or means to some other end, neither of which communicates to them that they are loved by God and need Jesus as their Savior. If I really believe Identity in Christ, I will extend that same belief to other people: Humanity. If I'm significant because--and only because--of God's love for me, the same is true of every person I come in contact with today...even the guy who cuts me off in traffic and the waiter who doesn't refill my drink.

  2. God has really been speaking to me about this and Brad nailed it - I can't pick and choose who I'm supposed to love (and that apparently means Nancy Pelosi and the rude muslim convenience store owner that I'm quite sure has ties to terrorism), God bless'em both. I have been reading a book about Heaven and it gave the story that tells how Jesus wept over the fact we don't love each other like He does. That kills me when I think that I make Him cry. It has become my goal to change from the inside out and see people the way Jesus saw the Romans as they were killing Him - asking God to forgive them and surely, still loving them; just like He loves me.

