Sunday, April 26, 2009


This is actually Monday's Post for April 27, 2009.

We believe we are significant because of our position as a child of God.

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God"
John 1:12

Over the past eight years, I have invested much into seeing these competencies become more of a reality in my life, personally, and in the lives of others. During this time, this competency stands out above every other one. It has been my most often quoted competency to others, and it has had more of an impact on me than any of the others to date. I think it's interesting because most people immediately affirm this competency without even thinking much about it. But to live with this competency and believe it as a way of life...not that's a whole different story.

Think about many of us struggle with self-image, significance, self-worth. A misunderstanding of this belief can manifest itself in many different ways. It can show itself as arrogance by attaching our significance to our successes, or it can show itself by depression or a false sense of humility. Some people gain their significance by people - how many friends I have on Facebook, how many people write good reviews about me, how many moms think I have it together, how many people think my family is perfect. Others reject any sense of significance and are consistently putting themselves down and not living up to others' expectations. There is either an inflation of ego or a deflation of ego.

As Christ-followers, we ought to be different. Our depression levels should be lower. Our arrogance should be tempered with healthy humility. We realize that there is Someone larger than us who sees us differently than we see ourselves. We have been adopted into the family of God, and our significance rests in that alone. It doesn't matter if we lose a job, lose a spouse or lose a child. It doesn't matter if you own a company, retire at 40, hit the lottery or win mom-of-the-year. It doesn't matter if your car dons a sticker that says "My child is an honor student," or one that reads "My child beat up your honor student." Our significance isn't found in what we do or don't do, but who we are.

Not only does this release me to be me, but it also releases me from judging others. I recently had a discussion with my 8 year old regarding another child who can be a bit of a challenge to be around. I explained to her this competency. Her version is "I know God made me and that makes me special." I told her that when the other child gets on her nerves, she needs to stop and just say to herself, "I know God made __________ and that makes her special." By doing so, God will be able to help shape her heart into one that is more patient and more compassionate to those around us on a regular basis.

Take some time today to meditate on these words: I believe I am significant because of my position as a child of God. Say them constantly this week. Try repeating the phrase with an emphasis on different words. Ask God to bring this truth to life in you. Take a moment to listen to the reflective recording below.

1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to fall on each extreme of this one. Arrogance - check. Insecure - Check. I think that repeating this over the last few days has helped.
