Friday, May 8, 2009

Core Practice :: Giving Away My Life

I give away my life to fulfill God’s purposes.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is true worship.
Romans 12:1

What does it mean to be a Christian in our community? Too often, it means this: go to church, support the church financially to some degree, and don't do bad things. If you're really into it, you add a Bible study or Sunday School class, listen to Christian music, maybe put a fish bumper sticker on your car. Yawn.

The distinguishing characteristic of the first-century church was the radical love they expressed to each other, and to a world in need. Read Acts 2. They were devoted to each other. They shared everything: meals, their homes, their possessions if someone needed it. They put together a team just to make sure the widows and orphans were taken care of. They gave their lives away. Why? Because Jesus gave his life away, and they were followers of Jesus.

Let's redefine what it means to be a Christ follower in our community. Make our table groups bases for giving away to our neighbors. Keep our eyes open for the needs we can meet as followers of Christ. Don't allow our lives to be defined by religious activity, but by Jesus-inspired giving.

This core practice is connected to the following core beliefs: Stewardship, Compassion

Parenting this practice:
One of the biggest mistakes we can make as parents is to presume that we are fulfilling this practice by giving our lives away to our kids. We are not. Our kids need to see us giving our lives away to our spouses, our neighbors, and other people in need, and they need to practice giving their lives away with us. The two approaches produce very different results. Which outcome do you want?

If you give your life away TO your kids:
  • your kids learn that the world revolves around them
  • your kids lose respect for you
  • your kids' view of a healthy marriage is skewed because they see parents who focus on them and not each other
  • your marriage will tank when the kids leave home because your family's entire focus leaves with them

If you give your life away WITH your kids:

  • your kids learn how to give their lives away and fulfill God's purposes in their lives
  • your kids make an impact in the lives of others
  • your family has great bonding experiences
  • your kids respect you for the way they see you give your life away to your spouse, neighbors, and others, and aspire to follow your example. you set them up to be a better husband or wife one day.
  • your relationship with your spouse will be much better; in fact, all your relationships will be better
  • your kid will lose that college scholarship you were giving your whole life to get them (just kidding, I couldn't resist).

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