Monday, May 11, 2009

Core Practice::Spiritual Gifts

I know and use my spiritual gifts to accomplish God's purposes.

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Romans 12:4-6 (TNIV)

Imagine this. What if all of the Christ-followers in your neighborhood joined together to use the gifts God has given them to accomplish His purposes in your community? What if it didn't matter what "church" you went to, but that you had a place to use your gifts right where you live? What if when a neighbor was sick, a Christ-follower utilized her gift of hospitality/mercy and rallied the other neighbors to serve the sick? What if the single-mom on your street had a car problem and a Christ-follower, gifted in mechanics, rallied the other mechanics to help her get her car running again? What get the picture?

Too often as Christians, we have relegated our gifts to use in the church. We are called to care for one another, but when we fail to use our gifts in the world where God has placed us, we rob power from the gospel we are living. When asked why his church didn't have a drama ministry, one pastor promptly said that if people in his church were gifted in acting they ought to go to the local theater and act for the glory of God there. Might the same be true for all of us...those of us who can manage, manage for the glory of God where you work. For those of us who design, design for the glory of God in the world we live. For those of us with a mercy gift, go to the hospitals and volunteer an hour a week serving the sick. For those of us with a teaching gift, discover ways to teach where you live.

In order for us to use the gifts God has given us, we must be aware of those gifts. While there is debate whether or not every gift is a spiritual gift, given by God, there seems to be no debate whether any gift can be used for the glory of God. We believe that the lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament are representative lists, not exhaustive lists. This means that we believe people have gifts that are not included in these lists. What is most important is that we understand that gifts aren't spiritual because you use them at church. Gifts are spiritual when they are used to bring glory to God and build one another up. Don't wait for someone at church to ask you to serve. Begin by using your gifts right where you are...right now.

Other Competencies: Spiritual Gifts flows out of a bedrock belief in Compassion - that God calls all Christians to serve people in need. Another related belief is our belief in the Church (all Christ-followers working together) as God's primary means to accomplishing his purposes.

Resource: Years ago, Willow Creek Community Church provided an excellent resource called "Network" to help us discover or gift mix. Erik Rees wrote a great book called S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life.

Kids Q&A

Kids' Big Idea: I love my neighbor by using my gifts to serve them.
Memory Tool: Hands open extending outward.

What things do you think you are good at? How do you think you could use those things to help others? Help your kids understand that even the little things they do to help others brings glory to God. They are making God smile when they use their gifts to help other people.

What types of things would you like to try? Exploration often begins by trial & error, for kids and adults. If we want to be a more compassionate person, then put yourself in position to be compassionate. If your child has a heart for older people, take them to visit a nursing home where they can make a resident smile. If your child has a nack for fixing things, find a way to help a neighbor fix something that has quit working.

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