Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Core Virtue::Kindness/Goodness

We choose to do the right things in our relationships with others.

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 5:15

Kindness/Goodness is the art of being others-oriented in action. It's focusing our attention on what we can do to help someone else, to make someone else feel special, or comfortable, or valued. It's expressed in little things like text messages or Hallmark cards, and it's big things like sacrifices of time, money, and resources in the interest of others.

Too often, we define goodness as being not bad: if we avoid the bad things, then we're good. Not so. Goodness is proactive, seeking good for others. If we are satisfied to just avoid being bad, we won't be known as "good people." In fact, we may not even be known at all. You can be moral and very unkind--many Christians are. But if God produces kindness and goodness in us, it will express itself in the way we treat those around us, and it will be noticed.

I had a great conversation recently with a newcomer to our church. He was excited about what he had experienced at the Springs, and was very interested in bringing his kids to our Sunday gatherings. "I want my kids to be around good people," he said. I can't think of a better compliment. That's how we want to be known in our community.

This core virtue is related to the following core beliefs:Humanity, Compassion

This core virtue is related to the following core practices:Biblical Community, Giving Away My Time, Giving Away My Money, Giving Away My Faith

Parenting this virtue:
One of the great things about kindness and goodness is that they work on any scale, large or small. Kids can learn their value when even the smallest expressions of them are valued at home. Partner with your kids to express kindness and goodness to other family members. Surprise your spouse or another sibling with an unexpected kindness. Then, as the kids grow older, this virtue can be expressed outside the home, in the neighborhood and community. It makes a big difference if your kids see you taking time, energy, and resources to express kindness to neighbors and people in need.

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