Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Romans 5:12-14 :: "But I didn't do it"

Romans 5:12-14

Okay, so one man at the beginning of humanity made a mistake and every person pays for it since then? The baby that comes into the world doesn't even have to commit a sin to be "guilty"? We don't have to do anything to be guilty?

How have you reconciled this in your life? We live in a culture that screams for personal accountability. This just doesn't seem right. Does this bother you at all?

1 comment:

  1. This does not bother me because I know I would have jacked things up all by myself if Adam wouldn't have. Only God is God... He alone was capable of being holy and perfect; besides that we have "the jerk" tempting us all the time. No sense in acting like Adam and Eve messed it up and I wouldn't have. I'm just thankful there is a plan to be reconciled.

