Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Romans 7:13 :: Yeah, but...

Romans 7:13 (The Message)

Sin simply did what sin is so famous for doing: using the good as a cover to tempt me to do what would finally destroy me. By hiding within God’s good commandment, sin did far more mischief than it could ever have accomplished on its own. 

Think about that for a moment.  If you were handed a gun and told to shoot the next person you saw, you would see that as murder and for most matured adults, the decision to say no would be easy.  But if we use good to cover that up by putting you in a uniform and sending you to another country and putting you behind a bush with camo and have a superior officer  tell you to shoot any person who comes over that hill, the issue becomes less clear.

It’s easy for us to say, “Yeah, but...” when it comes to sin in our lives.  “Yeah, I know it’s wrong to gossip, but we need to pray for them.”  “Yeah, I know it’s wrong to get divorced, but I am just not happy and God wants me to be happy.”

Are there sins in your life that you are using good to try and minimize the consequences?  Are you finding it easy to rationalize some of the behaviors in your life that you know are not what God wants for you?


  1. I heard a comment once that "sin always looks better in the dark." I took that to mean hidden, kept to oneself. We don't often share our rationalizations/justifications with others, where in the light of day, voiced allowed, subject to examination, they are seldom as convincing as they are when mulled over in our own noggins. This is where I think being a part of table group has a positive role helping us in our daily lives. Without it, sin hides behind the "good" and does "far more mischief" than it should. I am thankful for my table group.

  2. Great word, Pete.

    Are you able to exhale again at work?

  3. Thanks Brad. I really enjoy being able to be part of this blogspot.

    Getting there. I will be 90% complete after the weekend of the 20th and will have more breathing room then. I am exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. The work has a start and end date, so you know when you are completed and can feel good about 'gittin it done'. I will be taking most of the week of Thanksgiving off so that will be nice.
