Thursday, November 11, 2010

Romans 7:14-20 ::

Romans 7:14-20 (The Message and TNIV)

Does it seem that Paul is reading your email?  Apart from the law, or the bible, to guide us in right and wrong, we fail every time.  But now Paul is uncovering the elephant in the room.  Even with the law, we don’t have a chance.  We know what’s right, but we don’t do it.  We want to do what’s right, but we don’t.  We decide to make changes in our life, but then we don’t really do it.  Ever felt this way?

Think about the things that seem to be defeating you.  Are there areas in your life where you just can’t seem to ever taste victory?  Maybe it’s your bible reading?  Maybe it’s overeating?  Maybe it’s self-control issues?  Maybe you struggle with a poor self-esteem?  Maybe you are prideful?  Whatever your maybe, you have to know where you are so you can be ready for the next step.  We cannot just keep wandering through life not owning the things that are fighting against us.  There is a solution.  God has provided a better way.

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