Monday, November 15, 2010

Romans 8:1-8 :: Christians and Condemnation and Clouds

Romans 8:1-8 (The Message and TNIV)

Do you ever have times when you feel like there is a dark, ominous cloud hanging over you?  When you feel like nothing you do is the right thing and everything you touch turns out wrong.  We often beat ourselves up over our failures.  We also let others beat us up as well.  We don’t live up to other people’s standards and we get beat up.  We don’t respond to crisis the way someone thinks we should and they beat us up.  We don’t keep promises and we beat ourselves up.

Paul opens chapter 8 with an incredible pronouncement -  those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under that continuous, low-lying black cloud.  The TNIV may be more familiar: there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Isn’t that good news.  No condemnation, not from anyone, not from yourself.

You are now free from sin and death.  What the law couldn’t accomplish for you, Christ did.  God went all the way for you.  In Jesus, God personally took on our condition, so he could set things right with us once for all.

What condemnation do you fight as a Christ-follower?  From self?  From friends who aren't Christians?  From other Christians expecting you to be more or do more?

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