Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Romans 8:9-13 :: All About Us?

Romans 8:9-13 (The Message and TNIV)

When we trusted God to set-us-right-with-him, we were given certain gifts that make it possible to live the life that God has always desired for us.  One of those is the antidote for living a life that is all about ourselves.  Once God takes residence of our lives, he becomes the centerpiece.  Those who do not live in this sort of relationship with God, won’t understand what we are talking about.  Now that the “alive-and-present God” lives in us, we can expect him to do the same things he did in Jesus - bringing us alive to himself.  We no longer have any need to live in a way that places us at the center because that life isn’t really life at all.

Some questions to ponder with this section today:
  • If we are still thinking of ourselves, has God really taken up residence in our lives?
  • If those who don’t have a relationship with God won’t understand what we are talking about, do we need to spend a lot of time trying to figure out ways for them to understand?
  • Do you feel like you are experiencing the same kind of “alive-ness” as Jesus had?  Do you even think it’s possible?
  • Is there really “nothing” in our old life that is for us?
  • What does it mean to “get on with your new life”?

Remember:  Sometimes asking important questions is as crucial to a right understanding as hearing the right answers.

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