Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Romans 8:14-17 :: The Arms That Hold The Universe

Romans 8:14-17 (The Message and TNIV)

As I read through the these verses this morning, something struck me differently than when I wrote the reading plan last week.  What do you think we have to have to be able to fight this fight against our old sinful nature?  What do you need to get up every day and say no to the things that want to kick your butt?  What do you need to pick yourself up when you fall next week...or later today for that matter?  What do we need deep inside that is going to make the fight all worth it?

You may be tempted to give the church answer here, "Jesus!"  I'm thinking a little more pragmatically than that this morning, though the answer would be correct.  I see and visit with people regularly who have a relationship with God through Jesus, but don't have the strength to keep fighting the fight for their marriages, their children, their friends or themselves.  I sometimes don't know if I have the strength.
  I'm listening to Hootie sing right now, "I got all I need and it's alright by me," but I'm not sure I could pull that off.

I think that in these few verses, Paul is giving us that something that we all need to make the fight worth it all: Assurance that we have been claimed by God and equipped with His infinite resources.  After receiving the gift of adoption into His family, we are connected.  We don't fight alone.  The fight is won when we know who we are!  We are children of a Father that loves and equips us.

Think about it.  When we aren't sure who we are, we begin to struggle in other areas.  When we think that we are significant because of our jobs, we let the jobs consume us and when one is lost, we are lost. When we believe we are good parents because of what others see and say about us, as soon as our child does something "inappropriate," we see ourselves as failures.  When we believe what our spouses say about us that cuts and wounds, we begin to take that on to who we are.  It doesn't even all have to be negative.  When we choose to see our stuff as markers for success, pride wells up and we live with blind spots that can lead to a "grave-tending life."

When we know who we are, the fight is worth the fight.  When we know we are loved by the Creator of this Universe, we can speak the truth and not be afraid of losing an acquaintance.  When we know we are His and His opinion matters most, we can make the right decisions at work even if they may cost us a promotion.  When we know we are His and so are our kids, we can live freely trusting that God protects His kids even better than we do.  When we know who we are it's worth matter what it is.

As I finish, I listen to these words being sung "Through many dangers, toils and snares, you've already come.  His grace has brought you safe thus far and he will lead you home.  The arms that hold the universe are holding you tonight.  You can rest inside, it's gonna be alright.  The voice that calmed the raging sea, is calling you his child.  So be still and know he's in control; he will never let you go."


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