Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Romans 11:11-15 :: Wrongs Turned Right

Matthew Henry says, “The gospel is the greatest riches of every place where it is.”  Paul is using the Israelite people to show the Gentiles that God takes even the worst of situations and turns them for good.  There failure was not fatal, and God will use it for even greater good when they return to their first love.

This is a pattern for God throughout history.  What we think should be counted as loss, Father turns to gain.  This picture of the Israelites is really a picture of human history.  The first humans, Adam and Eve, failed, but through them, God brought salvation to all of us.  David chose not to go to battle with his soldiers, saw a man’s wife bathing, had sex with her, then murdered her husband...then denied it even happening.  Can you imagine a world leader doing that today?  Yet, Scripture is clear to point that our Savior comes through the line of this very same David.  Then Christ, steps in and turns our failure around.  He sets everything right, while we are still wrong.  It really is amazing.

Do you still think it’s possible for God to redeem your wrongs, or do you think your mistakes are too big?  Do you have friends that struggle with Christianity, not because of God, but because of things they have done or are doing in their past?  This paralyzation is not from God, but from the enemy who desires nothing more than keep you from being who God wants you to be and living in the freedom of his setting-all-things-right.

I accidentally posted this portion yesterday.  My apology if it seemed to make no sense to you....
Have you ever thought about how the mistakes of some open the door for many other people sometimes?  I have talked to many people who came to a faith-based relationship with God later in their life who looked at another person as an incredible example because they could understand their mistakes because they had made them also.  If you have been prone to bad choices in your life, God can use those bad choices as an open door for others if you let him.  If he can do that with bad choices, imagine what he can do with right choices!

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