Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Romans 13:3-5 :: Jesus and your boss

Romans 13:3-5 in the Message and TNIV translations

"For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good." v.4 TNIV

This is how sick I am: when I first read that, I thought, "what if I worked at Dunder Mifflin, and Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute were my bosses?"  Those guys are God's servants?

If you haven't yet worked for someone you thought was inept/corrupt/unfair/out to get you, you probably will.  I have had some great bosses, and some terrible ones.  And I've learned a great deal from both.  As painful as the experiences with the bad bosses were, they were formative experiences.  God taught me and grew me under bad bosses in ways I never would have grown under an easier boss.

The one in authority over you may not always be good, but he/she can be for your good.  What does God want to teach you through your relationship with your boss?

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