Thursday, February 10, 2011

Romans 14:13-18 :: Get Out of the Way!

Romans 14:13-18 (The Message and TNIV)

Today is another phrase that was flipped for me when I was growing up.  Whenever someone warned against being a stumbling block, it was always referring to doing something wrong.  Don't drink in public because someone might see you and stumble.  Don't use bad language because you might cause someone to stumble.  Don't speed because you might cause someone to stumble.  You get it, right?

Paul's warning is not for the person who is doing something "wrong," but for those who do "right" things and then force those onto younger believers.  A right understanding of Paul's words enables us to live our lives full of grace, not judgment.  When we let God do the transforming and not trying to manage that in others, we are free to love and live the way Jesus would love and live.

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