Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Romans 14:9-12 :: Every Knee

Romans 14:9-12 (The Message and TNIV)

What struck me about our reading today is that when I hear most people quote "Every knee will bow and every tongue confess" it's done full of contempt.  They see someone doing something "unchristian" and they spout this verse as a God-will-take-care-of-them sort of thing.  Paul couches the phrase very differently.

We shouldn't look down on others because we will all stand before God some day.  That ought to be enough for us to live lives of inclusivity rather than judgment.

Try thinking about that before you cast a stone at a brother or sister today.  No sense telling on them, when we all have to answer go God, and I am no better than they are.


  1. Thanks for the perspective / clarification over the last few days. Isn't it just like God to tell a story through His apostle, or through Jesus and everyone get their own view & understanding of it - all the while God means for us to truly understand it from the opposite side.

    Our goal is supposed to be to have a relationship with God - to "know" Him. When we get to some level of knowing Him, we hear things like the idea that the sermon is meant for the "churched" guy, moreso than the "unchurched" guy. Brad, I'll bet that you did not reach that truth by intelect, but rather by the Holy Spirit establishing it as truth in your heart.... right? You got to "knowing" God to the point that you get what he says even when most people see it a different way, a critical way.

    My point is that I have a very small understanding of what God goes through sometimes when He says & means one thing, but people don't really "get it". I can say something and someone will take it completely different than someone that really, really knows me. The saying goes: "if you knew him, you wouldn't take offense", or something along those lines.

    I have a long way to go when it comes to having the type of intimate relationship with Christ that I should. But I am thankful when He allows me to hear the truth in His Word, or to feel the truth in a situation. Sometimes it comes through a guy that "knows" Him better than I do - like Brad. Thanks for sharing.

    As always, I hit Post Comment with the feeling I have just confused or made myself look goofy - but that's ok for now.


  2. Stan, I get where you are coming from. I remember back when I was younger and I would hear a bible teacher say something "profound." I always hoped that one day I would be able to "hear" from God the way he did. Well, I still don't feel like I'm there, but I have noticed that reading verses in their context does a lot for the understanding. Sometimes it's just as simple as recognizing the flow of the story being told. Also, the Message helps me a lot.

  3. I hear ya. My point (that was not very well conveyed) was that in my journey of getting to know God more and more, I experience truth in my heart before I see it in print (the Word). There are more than strong feelings I have about certain things and its as if it has been certified as "truth" in my heart. At some point in the future, it becomes confirmed by the Bible and these times when "profound" clarifications are given by people like yourself. While God wants us to hear the Word and put it in our heart, sometimes, He puts it in your heart and then let's you hear it in His Word.

    I will clarify that I have also misinterpreted passages just like everyone else - the difference is there was no deep truth in my heart about it.

